It is an aesthetic operation performed to make the front wall of the abdomen look younger, flatter and tighter. People who lose excess weight and have flaccid problems in the anterior abdominal wall after pregnancy are ideal candidates for this operation.

In tummy tuck surgery, excess fat and sagging skin are removed from the anterior abdominal wall, and sagging and loose abdominal muscles are tightened.

Tummy tuck surgery can be modified in many different ways depending on the person’s needs after medical examination.

  1. Mini – Tummy Tuck with shorter incisions in patients with mild flaccidity,
  2. Abdominal stretching surgery combined with liposuction in patients with excess fatty tissue,
  3. Extended tummy tuck for patients with excess on the sides of the trunk,
  4. Especially stomach reduction, etc. For people who lose a lot of weight, operations like body recovery surgery are done in a circular fashion.

Abdominal stretching surgery is an operation that takes 3-4 hours under general anesthesia. After the operation, bed rest for about a week, the use of belts for a month, healthy and regular life after surgery, diet and exercise are very important for the success of the operation.